Coders Make Mistakes

Companies around the world spend billions of dollars each year on software development by third parties. When commissioning a software development project or licensing software from a developer, the end user will often perform their own due diligence. This due diligence may include speaking with clients of the developer, reading reviews and requesting a software escrow agreement be put in place.

Fast forward a few years and visualise what would happen in the event that your software developer ceases operations or is no longer willing or able to support your software.

Can your business continue without the support of the developer?

Even if you have access to the source code, are you sure that it can be compiled into a working application?

Maybe its an old version or the deposited code is missing some libraries. In most situations, these omissions are not intentional but a result of human error.

The only way to be sure that the software escrow deposit works is to test it. The most common test is a Full Verification.

A Full Verification test is conducted by an experienced coding consultant together with the software developer. They will both run through and document the compilation process of the software application. The code will often be slightly modified to be sure that changes can be made if required in the future. Once the code is compiled into a working application, the Beneficiary will be provided the opportunity to test the newly built application. Such a test provides the opportunity for the Coding Consultant to identify if any components that are required for the compilation of the software are missing.

Contact Escrow London to learn more about our Software Verification and Source Code Audit tests.

By | 2022-04-11T20:30:40+00:00 April 24th, 2018|News|Comments Off on Coders Make Mistakes

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