Book a Demo 2024-07-02T16:35:47+00:00

Book a Call Today

Schedule a Teams meeting with one of our expert software escrow consultants. We can address any legal, technical, or security questions you might have.
Our consultants are located in the UK, USA, and Australia, so you can book a meeting at a time that suits you best.

What you will learn during an Escrow London call 

  • Software Developers (Depositor)
  • How you can deposit your code directly from your code repo (such as GitHub, GitLab etc)
  • What security measures we have in place to ensure your code is always protected
  • Software escrow options available for SaaS hosted applications
  • How to negotiate a robust software escrow agreement that will protect your IP
  • End Users (Beneficiary)
  • How we can help your company recover in the event of a software vendor failure
  • What security measures we have in place to ensure your data is always protected
  • Software escrow options available for SaaS hosted applications
  • Advice based on our experience in handling software escrow trigger events